Sacred Money Archetypes

Discover Your Money Personality, overcome challenges & live more of the prosperous life you want to live

Why Join Sacred Money Archetypes with Carrie Ekins?

Maybe you've decided that life isn't about wealth, it's not about chasing money to the detriment of your wellbeing and your life outside of work.

Maybe you've wondered 'what could life feel like if I shifted towards feeling prosperous?'. Not tired, overwhelmed and overstretched but doing more of the things that truly make you happy, feel free and able to better enjoy quality time with people you love .

If you’ve decided you want to transform your relationship with your income, to feel more empowered in decisions around money, AND you want to do it in a way that feels playful and abundant, listen up!

Discover how your Sacred Money Archetypes®️ create your money personality – how you save, how you spend and how you feel about money.

See your individual interplay between the eight key Archetypes and open up a world of possibilities.  

Understand why you keep hitting the same roadblocks and sabotages time and time again, and feel the excitement of learning to trust your decisions with money.

Learn to set boundaries that prioritise your choices without sacrifice, whilst feeling respectful, generous and safe.  

Take your new money personality knowledge and experience how it ripples into every part of your life. By understanding yourself better you can find the time, space and energy to be more of the person you've always dreamed of being.

Sacred Money Archetypes is a six sessions over 8 weeks (because breathing space is so important) full of simple strategy and creative magic that might just change everything.
We'll meet on zoom for up to 60 minutes during weeks 1, 2, 4, 5, 7 & 8 - you'll get access to my calendar as soon as you sign up.
On weeks 3 & 6 you'll be able to take your time to process and implement, making sometimes small, sometimes (possibly) radical changes based on what you've found true and important in our time together

Sacred Money Archetypes


One-time fee

or 2 payments of £347.50

  • Work with me 1 to 1 and see how we can transform you realtionship with money to bring you
  • 6 modules over 8 weeks with two implementation weeks to make shift happen
  • Playful, grounded coaching to help you get clear your vision and prioritise your needs
  • All calls recorded
  • Transform your relationship with money

" How You Do Money Is How You Do Everything"

Kendall Summer Hawk, creator of Sacred Money Archetypes ®️

Deirdre Amies 

The Fun Business Coach

"Carrie has a magic touch! As an experienced coach myself I know I can't see my own blocks. In less than an hour Carrie helped me make the connection between two areas of my business that I've been stuck on for 3 YEARS! Her creative thought process is so original, I love the fresh perspective and I can easily implement it" 

What are Sacred Money Archetypes? 

Way back since the dawn of prehistoric people symbols have used to tell stories about life. There are universal commonalities such as 'hero' and 'mother', which we can relate to on emotional, energetic and spiritual levels. These symbols are known as Archetypes and they can be considered the original language of humans because they are symbolic and connected - they also speak to our deep collected unconscious.

Archetypes contain within them stories, beliefs, fears and motivations. People within an Archetype share similar characteristics. In Sacred Money Archetypes we look at eight Archetypes: Accumulator, Alchemist, Celebrity, Connector, Maverick, Nurturer, Romantic and Ruler. Just by reading their names I'm sure you've already started to shape an idea of what each one might represent, which feel aligned with your own personality and which feel alien to you.

By looking at how your Sacred Money Archetypes interplay you can gain powerful insight into who you are, your challenges and how you can change them. My role is to help you understand the nuances so you can harness your strengths and create a life that feels magical, prosperous, and uncomplicated.

Course Pricing

Sacred Money


SMA installment

2 payments of £347.50 /month

Curious? Want to learn more?

The best way to start with Sacred Money Archetypes and your money personality is to take the quiz. It's free and will take less than 8 minutes to complete (no need to over think it, your first instinct is the best one to go with).

After you take the quiz you'll receive your ranked Sacred Money Archetypes and a little information about your highest ranked. Here's the cool thing, with so many possible combinations - over 255, it's not the highest ranked Archetype that 'defines' your money personality. The beauty of it is that there is no straight sided 'definition'. Instead it's the interplay between the top three that give shadow and light. Let me explain, even without any knowledge of the Sacred Money Archetypes, I'm sure you can feel that how a top rank of Nurturer plays differently when mixed with a second and third ranking of, say, Connector and Alchemist, than it would do if placed with Ruler and Romantic.Just the words give you a flavour of what's happening - that's the universality of an Archetype

Okay, I've taken the quiz, so why do I need Sacred Money Archetypes in my life?

Have you ever been given sound advice by someone you admire and trust, but find once you try and follow their way you feel like a fish swimming against the flow of a river?

What looks effortless for them is a hard slog for you.

Well meaning advice, and formulaic 'this is what worked for me' strategies can leave you feeling overwhelmed, knocked around and cold if you're trying to push against your Archetypes.

Because here's the thing...

Archetypes are a metaphor. Ones that deep in our unconscious we resonate with even if we don't spot them coming (at first), and whilst the existential  wrangle of 'what do I want from my life' or 'what is my purpose' feels like a slippery fish to catch - we all understand Money.

Money is an energy and a metaphor. We may not know what we what but we understand the language of money - whether we have it or we don't. Whether we've been told stories about it as children have been positive or negative.

In fact let's stop there - think about the t.v shows you watched as a kid. What were they? I clearly remember Dallas and Dynasty - you could be rich and cruel, or poor and happy. You could start out poor and sad but end up rich and bitter. There were never many happy rich, satisfied, clever folk in the 80's according to the world we saw on t.v.

And let that ripple out. All those people you read about in books and saw on the screen. How did these people dress? What opportunities did they have? How did they cope when the shit hit the fan? Who were the heros and the villans? Who were the ditsy ones, the unreliable ones? 

These are the stories that, as young people, shaped our beliefs and created our expectations.

But now, as a grown up, you have the capacity to delve into those beliefs about money and apply that knowledge to how you feel about your health, your realtionship with your children or your partner or your ex partner. You can start to use it as a tool to mending lapsed boundaries and shape future paths. And by following your internal pattern - the one that shows up so clearly through your SMA top three, you can do it in a way that feels 'do-able', empowering and brilliant.

Who is Carrie Ekins and why should I work with her?

First up, in the spirit of Sacred Money Archetypes, let me tell you I am a CONNECTOR/ALCHEMIST/NURTURER.

Wanna know what that means?

My CONNECTOR let's me ask a million questions AND listen to the answers deeply. I'm interested in you, where you are right now, where you've been before and where you want to go, and I am ENTHUSIATIC about that! As a Connector, I've been knocked down, and every time I jump back up, having learnt a little on the way. I take complicated notions and uncomplicate them, I share my wisdom and I see your struggle.

My ALCHEMIST is here to see things a little differently - team it up with my Connector and I will roll ideas around in my head, viewing them from all the angles. Often I will come up with a solution which is unique and brilliant. I sprinkle a little magic along the way and keep things novel and fun. If the 'problem' doesn't respond to the 'solution' in the way I expect, I'll keep jigging it around in my head until we find a reframe that fits.

My NURTURER really cares. I want to see you shine, flourish and grow. It stops my Alchemist from disappearing down a rabbit hole and keeps my Connector from wanting to give you ALL THE INFORMATION (although my Accumulator clients love that part of me!). I check you're following, and not overwhelmed, and ensure that you are meeting your self care requirements.

For me Sacred Money Archetypes has never been solely about the money - that's just a portal. Out time together is intended to build your confidence, get deep into the work and create magic. Your wellbeing is of greater importance that the number of zeros you have in your bank, having said that, the ability to create income that supports you in every way - present, future and past (yep, debt) is priceless.

Kate Arbuckle

"Just Incredible...Sacred Money Archetypes, over the years, has utterly transformed my relationship with money, and helped me to accept me for who I am in all walks of life. Carrie helped me to do some real healing work." 

This is about feeling PROSPEROUS

Like I said, having money in the bank is important. But it counts for nothing if you're not enjoying your life.
If your boundaries are leaving you feeling walked on or you're making good money but have no time to enjoy it - then you're not going to feel prosperous.

Feeling prosperous is a gorgeous, glorious thing. That sense of having enough, feeling abundant, having the ability to take deep nourishing care of yourself and your loved ones. Having the capacity to remember to regulate your nervous system, move your body and feel grounded in your choices.  All of this is prosperous energy.

Setting you up to make the most of your skills, gifts and passions is what I'm here to help you achieve.

If this sounds like your kind of adventure (and trust me, there will be plot twists - there always are!) then come and join me in my magical online world. Let's use your strengths and bring your vision into sharp focus as you become a more prosperous, satisfied, grounded version of yourself. 

Course Pricing

Sacred Money


SMA installment

2 payments of £347.50 /month

What's in the Sacred Money Archetypes Course?

Just so you know, this is an example of how the sessions 'could look', rather than set in stone. Personally, I prefer to guide you through SMA in a way that gives you what you need (and how could I possibly know that before I meet you?). So, whilst I could stick to a structured formulae my Connector/Alchemist/Nurturer energy won't let me - because that would be dull and we're here for a suprising ride. 

Course Pricing

Sacred Money


SMA installment

2 payments of £347.50 /month

Frequently Asked Questions

  1. How do I join? Click here at
  2. Do I have to own a business to work with you? No. Not at all. I do work with business owners, but that can often be a coincidence. I work with creative people who are curious about their potential and the possibilities that could unfold for them. I particularly enjoy the wellbeing piece - the interplay between work and life, and how that is shaped by our self worth and confidence. If this speaks to you we should probably work together.
  3.  How much is the Sacred Money Archetypes programme? It’s £695 as a one off payment, or £347.50 if you'd rather pay in two chunks. 
  4. Why do I need to know my Sacred Money Archetypes? The benefits are huge: greater understanding of your money stories and where they come from; learn how to harness your strengths; AND use them to differentiate yourself in your business and in the workplace; let go of old hurts and expectations based on other people’s money behaviour; create an attitude to money that feels fun and knowledgeable. 
  5. Why is it 6 sessions over 8 weeks? Because there's a lot of life to juggle and I think giving yourself the space needed to process new information is for most people necessary. The implementation weeks are at week 3 and week 6 - if however you would prefer to implement along the way (hello Rulers!) then we can condense our time together into 6 weeks.
  6. What else? Well, how you do money is how you do EVERYTHING in life. Well be applying your Sacred Money Archetypes to your wellbeing too - it’s all there bound up with your confidence and your self worth. 
  7. Who is this course not for? It’s not for you if you are heavily in debt, please speak to a financial professional if you require advice. I am not a financial advisor, I can not tell you how to spend, save nor invest your money. HOWEVER, I can help you unpick your limiting beliefs, show you your strengths, point out your probable weak points and cheer you on.  

Carrie Ekins

Carrie Ekins (pronounced Eee-kins) is passionate about humans: their ability to create, to make, to invent and to be. And intrigued by the ways in which we block our own paths and fail to believe in our individual and collective brilliance. 

Carrie’s mission is to help freaking amazing people fulfil themselves, to say "Yes" to their potential and open themselves up to all the good stuff - throwing their gunk to the wind whilst owning what makes them special, slinky and fabulous. 

Scintillated by wonder, filled up with curiosity, an avid eater of cake, there are always more questions than answers.

After gaining her Bsc (hons) in Psychology she followed her true passions of travel and healing. It's been Carrie's complete honour to have been a massage therapist and chief cheerleader of her clients for over 15 years.

Carrie is both passionate and endlessly curious about the human animal: our potential; our strengths and our vulnerabilities – in all ways physically, emotionally, mentally and spiritually. She's a total body geek and loves weaving together mindset and bodywork.

It is her absolute delight to share with you the tools she use daily to put more magic into her life, and the wisdom and techniques she has gathered in her professional decades. 

A note from Carrie 

My deepest wish for you is that you understand what a force of nature you can be, and when I say ‘force of nature’ I don’t mean that as a slightly derogatory, school report comment of ‘could achieve more if they just focussed and stopped whirling around like a force of nature.’.

When I say force of nature - I mean, you are utterly magical, with a huge capacity for creating positive change. You are empathetic and caring. You thrive when you are taken out of the logical, box ticking, corporate hoopla and allowed to be the most you’est version of you.

And these are not platitudes either. I don’t say this and mean that you have to go out and create a revolution - although if you’d like to, that’s awesome! And I don’t mean you have to be a cross between Wonder Woman, Michelle Obama and Greta Thundburg. It’s about You growing into the dreams and possibilities you have carried inside.

It’s about taking all your compassion and optimism and daring and making it work for you. Sacred Money Archetypes, to me, is about you understanding your strengths and your gifts, whilst also recognising your roadblocks and sabotages. I see it as a route to greater confidence and empowerment.

A lot of us have told ourselves the stories over the years that we’re ‘not good with numbers’ and so we shy away from taking responsibility for our finances. But why? Where does this myth of lacking financial literacy come from? And what could happen if we started to change our perception around it? Less shame? Less procrastination? More Autonomy? More Trust in yourself and your decisions?

I think that confidence with money is a form of wellbeing. And our wellbeing always improves when we know what we need, when we understand our stressors and we know how to work with them. The way many of us have been raised and the stories we have been told about money - you know the old tales “Many is the root of all evil” or “Money can’t buy you happiness”, the imagery we are fed via t.v and film - whether it’s Alexis Carrington Colby from the 80’s or your up to the moment Kardashians, the message seems to be that where there’s plenty of money there’s plenty of drama to go with it. These messages knock our perceptions of what ‘wealth’ looks like, and how ‘wealthy’ people should behave.

What if we could redraw our relationship with money so that we can be a responsible custodian, and in turn feel optimistic, independent, and have a real understanding of our value. This in turn has a ripple effect, demonstrating to our children how to be money literate without fear of scarcity or fear of ‘getting it wrong’.

I don’t believe that Sacred Money Archetypes is only for business owners either. How each and every one of us saves money and spends money is a reflection of how we feel about ourselves - our personal value and our worthiness. Sometimes we need a little help in creating clear money boundaries and sometimes we need help defining our priority order and where we stand in that.

You champion others on a regular basis, always seeing the possibilities and giving generously of yourself (time, money, advice). You are trustworthy and resilient.  Let’s drop the love/hate relationship with money and create a money story that reflects all these good things.

Are you ready to do this?

Big love,
Carrie x

Copyright Carrie Ekins 2024. Sacred Money Archetypes® is a registered trademark of Heart of Success, Inc. and licensed by Carrie Ekins. Copyright 2024 Kendall Summer Hawk